Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU)
What is the Multi-Professional Support Unit?
The Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub (NATH) has established the Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU) to deliver education activity which supports the professional development of our increasing and diverse primary care workforce. The team organising the educational events is representative of the colleagues we serve.
Rationale for the MPSU
The primary care workforce is expanding as a result of the Primary Care Network (PCN) National DES which includes recruitment of new additional roles. It is also expanding because of recruitment into existing primary care clinical roles, such as nursing.
To support on-going professional development and retention of these new roles, PCNs would need to develop or be able to access appropriate support and expertise. To assist PCNs with this remit, the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub (NATH) established the Multi-Professional Support Unit.
Purpose of the MPSU
To offer opportunities for integrated professional development as well as Uni-professional learning opportunities for new Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) roles, and existing primary care professionals.
To offer clinical supervision training for all primary care professionals.
To develop a network to support Clinical Supervisors.
To support PCNs with developing a successful yearly review system for new ARRS roles as well as for existing primary care professionals.
To offer New to Practice support for new ARRS roles/primary care professionals joining general practice.
To offer foundation management/leadership skills.
MPSU Bulletins
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The 7 Core Functions of the MPSU
1. Integrated Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training
These events provide generic topics applicable across primary care colleagues. These events promote integrated learning opportunities.
2. New to Practice Training
These events provide an overview of primary care topics relevant to new staff joining primary care.
3. Clinical Supervision Training
This course has been developed in collaboration with NHS England. It allows exemption from the 1st day of the one and a half day Clinical Supervision training course which is required to become an Associate Training Practice Clinical Supervisor. This course is primarily aimed at all primary care clinical staff involved in clinical supervision. The course will cover the foundations required to become a competent clinical supervisor.
4. Clinical Supervision Support Meetings
These meetings provide support to established or new clinical supervisors. The purpose of the meetings is to develop a supportive network and support the professional development of clinical supervisors.
5. New Reviewer / Appraiser Training
This course will cover the foundations behind the annual review. The course is aimed primarily at all primary care colleagues who are involved in an annual support meeting of colleagues.
This course is not valid to become a GP Appraiser.
6. New Reviewer / Appraisers Support Meeting
These meetings provide support to new appraisers. The purpose of the meetings is to develop a supportive network and support their professional development. These may be arranged and tailored on a 1:1 basis.
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7. Foundation Leadership and Management Training
This initial training in leadership and management is for those who are new to management or are looking to progress their careers to supervisor or managerial level. The course is aimed at those new to, or aspiring to manage others.
Meet the MPSU Team
Minali Gupta
Supports the MPSU CPD sessions
Co-organises the Clinical Supervision Training and Support Network
Assists with the New Appraiser Training for the Primary Care team
Denise Harnett
Works with event leads to organise, set-up and evaluate events
Advertises events on Eventbrite and the website
Works with the NATH Communications Team to promote events
Produces event certificates
Saira Jawaid
Co-leads the development the New to Practice training programme
Co-leads the development of the Integrated CPD sessions
Co-facilitator for the Clinical Supervision training and support network
Co-facilitator for the New Appraiser training and support network
Sarah Partridge
Co-leads the delivery of clinical supervision training
Co-leads the provision of new appraiser training for the primary care team
Supports the MPSU CPD sessions
Assists the New to Practice training sessions
Author of the bi-monthly MPSU Bulletin
James Waldron
Hosts engagement and outreach events
Delivers training and support
Arranges monthly CPD events for GPs and other primary care staff