MPSU Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Please find a list of FAQs relevant to the Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU). If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to contact 

What sessions are suitable for a clinician who has started working within primary care in the last 6 months? 

Have a look at the New to Practice sessions, where you will get the opportunity to network with other professionals in a similar situation. You may also find some of the CPD sessions valuable. 

I am an experienced clinician who supports others in practice, but not received any or only limited training (or who is hoping to support others soon) - what training is available for me? 

If you debrief or provide support to others you may find the clinical supervision training beneficial. If the plan is that you are to undertake appraisals, then look at the new appraisal training too. You may also find some foundation leadership and management training useful. 

What ongoing support is available for me to be an effective Clinical Supervisor post training? 

Have a look at attending our Clinical Supervisor support meeting, which is a safe environment for you to network and discuss any issues or queries you may have. 

What ongoing support is available for me to be an effective appraiser post training? 

Have a look at attending our New Appraiser support meeting, which is a safe environment for you to network and discuss any issues or queries you may have. 

In my personal development plan there are several areas of leadership and management that I have identified as a training need - what is available for me? 

You may find certain sessions of the leadership and management training will meet these needs. You may also want to look at the Clinical Supervisor training and New Appraiser training too? 

I would like to develop clinical and practice-based skills - what is available to me? 

Have a look at the CPD sessions. A wide variety of topics are going to be covered, which will hopefully include one that is relevant to you. 
Multi-Professional Support Unit Logo - Hand supporting team of people

MPSU Navigation 

Aspirations for the MPSU 

β€œThe developments of PCNs have brought a new dimension to an already complex setting. I hope the MPSU is able to support individuals to orientate themselves within this landscape. My aspirations for the MPSU are to provide a multidisciplinary platform to provide help, guidance and peer support to the new and existing primary care workforce.” 
Head of PCN Workforce 
Nottingham City GP Alliance 

Grow Notts Primary Care App 

Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information.