NOW LIVE: Take part in our Notts Primary Care Training Needs Analysis to shape our free educational programmes for you over 2025-26. Option to enter a draw to receive a £50 Amazon voucher. Closes Sunday 2 February 2025. Share your training needs today! 

Primary Care Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 

**NOW LIVE** Take part in the 2025 Notts Primary Care Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 

Your feedback is vitally important to shape the fully funded training we can offer you and helps us plan professional developmental priorities and training needs for the year ahead. 
It is open for 4 weeks from Monday 6 January, closing Sunday 2 February 2025. 
Primary Care Training Needs Analysis 2025 Survey. Shape Your Professional Development

Why is the Training Needs Analysis needed? 

We are commissioned by NHS England and Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) to support the primary care workforce in respect of education and development needs. 
By taking part in the annual Training Needs Analysis you are helping to shape the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire training, education and development offer. Your views mean we are better able to plan a programme of learning suited to your needs.  

Results from the Training Needs Analysis 2024 

Who can complete the survey? 

The survey is intended ONLY for staff working primary care in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. If you work outside of this area you may want to contact your local training hub with any individual requests for training.  

What do we do with the information? 

The information provided gives us critical evidence to support any future opportunities for the ICS to bid for learning and development funding. 
The data collected assists in planning: 
Continued Professional Development (CPD) training events open to the whole workforce – short sessions to update skills or knowledge. 
Education Programmes which support ICS priorities linked to population health management that enhance your skills and knowledge. These may be for clinical and non-clinical staff. 
Education Programmes which support the primary care workforce to be strong, capable, confident and resilient. 
How we can allocate CPD and Workforce Development Funds across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. 
Where we signpost people to relevant training from other providers. 
From the results, we will present a summary report based on the Place-Based Partnership localities and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) (subject to a sufficient number of responses per PCN), to support any local discussions about workforce needs.  
The survey is anonymous. At the end of the survey there are a few questions where respondents can choose to leave an email address. This question is only used to correspond with individuals who request specific information. Contact details are not shared in any reporting.  

Do your individual views count? 

Absolutely! Although, you may have unique training needs, the workforce in the area is so large, others are likely to request or suggest similar learning requirements. Whilst we do our best to support every individual, we endeavour to get value for money when we commission training and education. If you have a specific training request that requires funding, you can submit a Learning and Development Funding Request Form.  

Are there other opportunities to share my views? 

We recognise that training needs can change throughout the year. If you would like to discuss what learning and development opportunities are available to you, please email us on alliance.hub1@nhs.net. 
Training Needs Analysis Logo - Shape Your Professional Development

You Said, We Did! 

Find out how we used your feedback in the 2024 TNA survey to deliver development opportunities to you over 2024-25. 

Become a TNA Ambassador! 

Through your connections across the ICS, you can help us promote the annual Training Needs Analysis and / or help us to understand in detail the training needs of our primary care workforce. 

Grow Notts Primary Care App 

Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information. 

Examples of training events we have run based on the Training Needs Analysis feedback 

Asthma and COPD 
Cancer and Palliative Care 
Challenging Conversations 
Clinical Supervision 
Depression - Managing Complex Cases 
Diabetes Management 
Ear Irrigation 
Endocrine topics 
Heart Failure 
Hypertension Case Finding 
Joint Injections 
Lipid Management 
Lower Limb Wound Management 
Managing Obesity and Behaviour Change 
Menopause Matters 
Mental Health Disorders 
Motivational Interviewing Skills 
Ophthalmology Issues 
Optimisation of Insulin Therapy 
Practice Manager Action Learning Sets 
Safeguarding Tips 
TIA, Stroke Management & NVAF 
Transition from Team Member to Manager 

Examples of group training we have commissioned based on TNA feedback 

Online Health Coaching 
European Health Coaching Qualifications 
Ear Irrigation 
Clinical Supervision 

Look out for our Training Needs Analysis logo! 

Training Needs Analysis Logo - Shape Your Professional Development
On our Eventbrite thumbnail images, we add our Training Needs Analysis logo to all the events which have been designed to meet your development needs, as identified from your survey results

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Profile from the Training Needs Analysis 2024 


Overall responses by Place-Based Partnership 

7% of responses fall outside a PBP 









Most sought after training and development - TOP 5s! 

Clinical topics 

Diabetes and endocrine and diabetes 
Respiratory (e.g. COPD, asthma, ILD) 
Bloods (e.g. clinical reasoning and interpretation) 
Cardiology (e.g. CVD, AF, HTN, Heart Failure, ECG, IFD) 
Common medications in Primary Care 

Leadership and management topics 

Keeping your team motivated 
Coaching and mentoring others 
Business management (Practice/PCN) 
Staff appraisals and professional development planning 
QOF requirements 

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) topics 

Addressing health inequalities 
What is allyship? 
How to create and sustain positive cultural change in our workplace 
Conscious and unconcious bias 
EDI awareness events / educational sessions 

Non-clinical topics 

Good practice in clinical coding 
System One / EMIS / Ardens 
Dealing with difficult conversations 
Responding to and managing complaints 
Care navigation / signposting 

Personalised care topics 

Patient coaching and behaviour change 
Shared decision making 
Motivational interviewing 
Improving the patient experience 
How to co-create services with patients 

Personal development topics 

Time management and implementing sustainable practice when managing workloads 
Understanding quality improvement processes and tools 
Understanding Primary Care within the ICS structure 
Accessing and using population health data 
Communication and active listening 

Top barriers to training 

Lack of capacity (time) to participate due to work pressures 
Not knowing what training, learning and development opportunities are available 
Lack of funding and/or budget