Primary Care Pop Quiz! Number 1
Created by Kate Knowles, January 2024 

Q1.  What does ACP stand for? 

Advanced Clinical Practitioner / Advanced Clinical Practice 
Advanced Care Practitioner / Advanced Clinical Practice 
Advanced Care Practitioner / Advanced Care Practice 
Advanced Clinical Practitioner / Advanced Care Practice 
1. Advanced Clinical Practitioner / Advanced Clinical Practice 
Previously many titles were termed Advanced Nurse Practitioners as Nurses were by far the largest workforce entering these roles. Now, as so many other registered healthcare professionals are joining the workforce, we have adopted the word clinical in preference for Nurse. Further to this, much national work is now referring to Advanced Practice and Advanced Practitioner. 

Q2.  How can you become an ACP? 

Change your job title to ACP when your employer offers it to you 
You can only train to be an ACP via a doctorate in the USA 
Through the correct A-Levels and then undergraduate degree course 
Via a MSc ACP programme accredited by NHS England 
4. Via a MSc ACP programme accredited by NHS England 
This is the officially recognised method to train post-grad; following on from background professional training and at least 5 years clinical experience. Previously it has been known for people to be promoted and job titles change without any formal training. In the USA there is a huge move towards doctorate level training as a progression of advanced level practice. 

Q3.  Who cannot apply to become an ACP?  (via the answer to Q2) 

Practice Manager 
Occupational Therapist 
3. Practice Manager 
The MSc ACP is a post-graduate course for registered healthcare professionals who work clinically. 

Q4.  Which university is not used by current Notts Trainee ACPs? 

Sheffield Hallam University 
University of Lincoln 
University of Coventry 
University of Hull 
University of Nottingham 
University of Derby 
4. University of Hull 
It is preferred to use local universities for MSc ACP so as to collaborate closely in terms of programme content and support for trainees. SHU, Derby and the Nottingham universities are all members of the Notts ICS Advanced Practice Steering Group. University of Coventry is sometimes used for paediatric/ neonatal training. 

Q5.  Is Advanced Practice currently nationally regulated as a profession?  

(This is correct at the date of the quiz) 
2. No 
There is currently no national regulation for the role of Advanced Clinical Practitioner nor for the level of Advanced Practice. Therefore, ACPs need to remain registered with their background professional body e.g., HCPC for Physiotherapists, Paramedics or NMC for Nurses. The NMC is currently working towards future regulation for Nurses who work as ACPs and/or at advanced practice level. 

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