Functional Skills (Maths and English) across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Published 14/07/2021
Many of our workforce wish to progress and undertake additional learning to support them in their career development. For many, not having Maths and English (M&E) at grade C/4, or not having access to their certificates from school, means that they must undertake functional skills (FS). We can link to a number of offers from organisations that provide courses.
Email to start the sign-up process for any of the below, stating the provider you wish to sign-up with.
This is an online platform that allows staff to undertake assessments and then once ready, to take a remote exam. This will follow the same pattern as above and take longer as per the assessments, but the staff member self-refers for examination. This may be once all the practice sessions allocated to your account are finished and the practice test reveal you would most likely pass an exam.
The below offers are all subject to assessments being undertaken to indicate level, and then staff will be allocated to the most appropriate intervention. Shorter courses require level 1.5 and above as the assessed level of competence, with a view to being upskilled to take a level 2 exam (which is equivalent to a GCSE grade C/4).
Nottingham College
Offer M&E FS. Where staff assessments indicate a level of 1.5 and above, an intensive four week course can be offered. If staff assessments indicate a lower level then a longer timeframe is needed to support staff to become proficient. Classes are weekly and would probably take around 3 months to be exam ready.
Offer English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). This is a means tested course, offered weekly to staff whose first language is not English. The classes are at Highfields campus, and staff can apply in May/ June/ July/ August.
Offer M&E FS. Where staff indicate a level of 1.5 or above, then a programme of 12 modules over 12 weeks will be offered. These are virtual sessions. Exams need to be done in person. A lower level of assessment will indicate a longer set of lessons are needed to support staff to achieve level 2 FS.
West Notts College
Offer M&E FS. They offer virtual sessions, with exams remote too. It is a roll-on roll-off programme, which can see the person starting in a matter of days. As with other providers, assessments will be required. This will dictate the classes the person will be required to attend.
Derby Business College
Offer M&E FS. They offer virtual sessions, in a roll-on roll-off programme, so quick starts are available. Tutors are available to offer ad-hoc support and training should anyone need any additional support throughout their learning journey.
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