Meet The Team: Dr. Saira Jawaid
Dr. Saira Jawaid BSc, MBBS, MRCP, PGCertMedEd, MRCGP.
(Nottingham GP and NATH GP fellow)
Saira started as a GP fellow on 1st May 2020 at NATH for the social prescribing project. Social prescribing link workers (SPLWs) work for PCNs, as part of the ICS. There are currently 52 SPLWs across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, excluding Bassetlow.
As part of NATH, Saira develops and delivers educational sessions to meet the needs of SPLWs. She has been creating on-line teaching sessions on a range of topics which have been developed collaboratively. Some of the sessions have been around the topics of: motivational interviewing, managing challenging conversations, domestic violence, safeguarding of adults and children, mental health disorders including suicide awareness, personal wellbeing and case based discussions brought to the sessions by SPLWs. She collates feedback and information on a regular basis from SPLWs and managers to determine their needs and provide support accordingly.
NATH held a very successful webinar in association with Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCGs in November this year. As part of this day we presented our work on ‘Social Prescribing Link Workers Making a Difference - Loneliness during COVID-19 and its Aftermath.’ This was very well received by the diverse audience ranging across primary and secondary care. We hope to build on this in the coming year.
Saira is aiming to continue to develop this project further including designing and delivering educational content and providing on-going clinical supervision.
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