Midlands General Practice Assistants (GPA) Programme
Midlands General Practice Assistants (GPA) Programme available to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire GPAs
Lincolnshire Training Hub (LTH), in collaboration with all 11 Midlands-based training hubs, has been awarded the NHSE contract to deliver accredited General Practice Assistant (GPA) programmes across the whole of the Midlands, including Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
The GPA is an emerging role created to relieve some of the pressures on GPs. Former RCGP Chair Dr. Maureen Baker said GPAs would be ‘a cross between a Healthcare Assistant and a doctor’s PA’ combining administrative skills and clinical skills for a versatile and interesting role.
GPAs are an Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) funded role. Staff can be recruited as GPA Trainees and Apprentices and receive on-the-job training.
GPAs are trained to undertake routine administration and basic clinical duties. Watch how one GP practice in the Northwest has developed a new GPA role, transforming the way they work and practice.
There is a national NHS England competency framework for GPAs which covers the core competencies expected of the GPA role. This is structured into 5 domains:
Managing Health Records.
These domains contain 58 competencies. GPAs need to be able to build a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates they have the required skills, knowledge and behaviours to fulfil the role and promote clinical thinking and reflection. A GPA will need clinical supervision and observation when undertaking tasks. A GP will need to sign off evidence to the GPA portfolio to confirm that the GPA meets the competency requirements.
How to become accredited
There are two accredited routes:
Route 1
The Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Programme-Lincolnshire Training Hub (LTH), in collaboration with the Learning and Development Apprentice Centre, is offering a GPA training package incorporating the Level 3 Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship and individual clinical skills which will facilitate achievement of the NHS/E GPA framework aligned skills and competencies.
Entry requirements
Employed as a GPA
English and Math at grade C(equivalent) or above
Named GP mentor who will be responsible for supporting through competencies
The GPA will need to develop and submit a formal learning and assessment e-portfolio to record their learning, skills and experience journey. Most of the learning will be done at the learner’s own practice, with the support from your own practice team, supported by a GP Mentor within your own practice, who is responsible for assessing your competency.
Offered as a Blended Learning Programme – includes remote learning, face to face workshops, insight sessions. Requires Apprentice “off the job” learning time – For example, a person working a 37.5 hours working week is entitled to 6 hours of “off the job” learning time. Such learning can include interactive workshops, e-learning, equipment demonstrations, simulation and role play, peer learning and virtual environments.
Each Apprentice is allocated an assessor who will support themand their workplace whilst they on the GPA programme.
How long will it take?
The course takes 15 months to complete.
Route 2
University of Derby Accredited Programme- Lincolnshire Training Hub (LTH), in collaboration with the University of Derby is offering a Level 4 GPA accredited course, incorporating NHS/E GPA framework aligned skills and competencies.
Entry requirements
Must be employed in a GPA role. Priority will be given to those who have been employed the longest. Candidates should be considered competent from their experience as practice administrators or healthcare assistants and possess a current Enhanced DBS disclosure.
Each candidate must have a named GP mentor who will be responsible for supporting them through their competencies.
Blended learning.
How long will it take?
The course takes 9 months to complete. Cohorts will run in September 2024, January 2025 and April 2025.
Want to learn more?
For any queries or further information visit the Lincolnshire Training Hub website or contact Helen Hughes, Programme Manager or Dr. David Peachey, Clinical Lead at: licb.lthmidlandsgpa@nhs.net
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