MPSU Bulletin 1: Meet the Multi-Professional Support Unit
Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU) Bulletin – September 2021
Issue #1
What is the Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU)?
Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub (NATH) has set up a multi-professional team whose goal is to provide support and development opportunities to meet the training needs of the currently expanding primary care workforce within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
What are the aims of the team?
To provide opportunities for networking and integrated learning across the primary care team.
To support the professional development of Clinical Supervisors, including training.
To support newly employed primary care and Allied Health Professionals.
To support new appraisers across primary care, including training.
To provide opportunities for all primary care professionals to develop their management and leadership skills.
How do I get involved?
The team was launched on the 1 September 2021. The following events are planned:
Monthly Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities
Clinical supervision training and virtual drop-in support meetings
New appraiser training and virtual drop-in support meetings
‘New to Practice’ virtual drop-in support sessions
Foundation training opportunities in management / leadership skills for the primary care team
Monthly information bulletins
Meet our new roles!
As part of the launch of the MPSU we will be introducing the new roles in practice in our monthly bulletins. This month meet: Andrew Simpkins, a Social Prescriber.
"Hi, my name is Andrew Simpkins, and I am a Social Prescriber.
Social Prescribing helps patients to link into local, non-clinical services within the community; I give people time, focusing on 'what matters to me' and take a holistic approach to people's health and wellbeing. I connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
I really enjoy building relationships and networks with groups and services within the local community. I am actively involved with Ecoworks and was approached by them to become a member of their Board. This is really exciting; as it will give Social Prescribing a voice in future projects, helping to shape service provision for the future.
I hope that in two years’ time I am part of a much larger Social Prescribing team, and that I am part of a vibrant local community offering more diverse activities."
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