Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU) Bulletin
Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU) Bulletin – August 2022 
Issue #5 

One Year Celebration! 

In September, our team will be celebrating our one-year anniversary! The Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU) was set up to support the professional development of our increasing and diverse primary care workforce. See our summary poster for an overview of what we have delivered in the last year! 
Multi-Professional Support Unit – Our One Year Celebration! 32 events hosted. 397 attendees. 146 from Nottingham City PBP, 75 from Mid-Notts PBP, 61 from South Notts PBP, and 115 from other organisations. 49% heard from email / NATH newsletter, and 29% from word of mouth. Over 80 different roles from our Notts multi-disciplinary team! Here are some quotes from our events on how they supported your learning and development. From a Clinical Supervision Course: I learnt that the importance of good supervision and regular supervision is paramount in employees’ morale, preventing burnout and promoting wellbeing and productivity in the workplace. I will implement more structured clinical supervision time. From a New Appraiser – Introduction to Appraising event: I learnt about the framework for personal development using a reflective process which should cover the 4 domains. I will gather supporting information for my own appraisal but also encourage appraisees to do the same. From a New to Practice – Who does what in a GP Practice? Event: I learnt where to go for information in all areas of GP surgeries. I will remember that everyone has their own responsibilities, but we need to work together as a team as well. Everyone is valued. From a Foundation Leadership and Management – Communicating with Colleagues event: I learnt to consider different team members i.e., thinkers vs feelers, and how some people have a preference, and how this impacts on them receiving or understanding when communicating to them. I will think about the team a bit more and tailor approaches on an individual basis. From an Integrated CPD – Overview of the Structure of Primary Care and the Local NHS event: I learnt knowledge around the purpose of acronyms, e.g., ICP. Also, understood the purpose of mixing primary and social care together. Great update on the CCG for April 2022. I will make sure I shadow the reception team at my GP practices if possible.

Upcoming programme for Autumn 

In addition to our regular supervision and appraisal training we are looking to deliver an exciting programme of training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) events including: 
Aimed at supporting pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists who are looking to becoming competent in fit note issuing. 
Find out about the Macmillan team and how they may best used to support cancer and palliative care patients. 
These new to practice sessions are aimed at social prescribers, and health and wellbeing coaches to introduce them to commonly encountered mental health conditions, improving their support. 

Meet our new app! 

This month meet: the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub FREE App, Grow Notts Primary Care 
Looking for relevant CPD? 
Searching for career development opportunities? 
Want to keep up to date with funding, education and news without having to wade through a full inbox of emails? 
If so - this app is for you! 
The FREE ‘Grow Notts Primary Care’ App is here to link you to the best of CPD, opportunities and information in the convenience of an app. This will save you time whilst planning your career and education. 
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Missed an issue? 

You can read all our past MPSU Bulletins on our website in one handy place. 
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