NATH Newsletter - August 2022
Welcome to our August Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub newsletter!
In this edition, you will find:
This weeks highlights -
Celebrate one year with the MPSU team!
Talking General Practice Podcast
Funding opportunities -
NATH funding offers
Healthier Futures Action Fund - submit your application
Events and training opportunities -
August - October NATH events - schedule your training
MPSU Leadership Series: Managing Performance - book your tickets
PCN IIF Focus Group: Cardiovascular Prevention Targets (CVD-01 to CVD-06) - book your tickets
Recorded video of the Physiotherapy Placements event - time to catch-up!
June Place-Based Partnership (PBP) event engagement
New Woundcare educatione-learning programme - start a new course
10 Things I have learnt about EDI in my Career by Amber Sorrell - register your interest
Population Health Led Strategic Workforce Planning Masterclass - register your interest
Workforce development initiatives -
Update from our Programme Manager
Student Placements
Evidence Support Services
ICS Advanced Clinical Practice Development
Multi-Professional Support Unit (MPSU)
Grow Notts Primary Care App
Developing Social Care Nurses
Communities of practice -
Next meeting dates
Compliments and concerns form -
Submit your feedback
If you are new to our newsletter, we publish twice a month and promote resources, funding, events, training and development opportunities for the primary and community care workforce in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
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