You Said... We Did! New Design!
Written by Louise Woodward, 1 August 2022 
We received 72 responses from our subscribers. 
“I think NATH is a brilliant scheme and when you've made the effort to keep us informed then we should make the effort to read it.” 
“Enjoy reading the newsletter.” 
“I really like your newsletter and it's a great way of hearing about all the excellent opportunities you provide.” 
“Keep up the good work :)” 

Where our newsletter lands in your inbox 

How subscribers receive the newsletter to their inbox. 77.78% always into my inbox. 13.89% sometimes into my inbox. 0% never into my inbox. 11.11% sometimes into my spam / junk folder. 4.17% always into my spam / junk folder.
15% are still receiving our newsletter into their junk folder. We have been having issues with Mailchimp where it wouldn’t validate our email account. To overcome this, from Mid-July 2022, we have started to use our gmail account –  

How you like to read our newsletter 

50% skim read articles, and 58% look at the Contents to skip to those relevant articles. To help with quick glances, we have reduced the text for each article to a couple of sentences, and bolded any important information, with links either in purple banners or purple, underlined links for quick viewing. 

Topics and articles you want to read about 

Preference for no. of articles ranged from 5-20! We’ve structured our content into 5 sections (the 6th as a standing item if you have concerns or compliments). 
How frequently subscribers read different topics, and which topics want more articles on. Read frequently: e-learning 83%, funding 58%, toolkits and resources 69%, engagement on NATH projects 54%, upcoming NATH events 83%, career opportunities 42%, network forums 44%, Midlands Leadership Academy events 44%, event spotlights 75%, NATH project updates 47%, placements 32%, meet the team 53%, surveys 50%. Want more articles: e-learning 24%, funding 21%, toolkits and resources 19%, engagement on NATH projects 18%, upcoming NATH events 17%, career opportunities 15%, network forums 14%, Midlands Leadership Academy events 14%, event spotlights 13%, NATH project updates 13%, placements 10%, meet the team 4%, surveys 3%.
Based on what you want to see more of, we have introduced standing spotlight articles on e-learning opportunities, funding opportunities, toolkits and resources, and workforce development initiatives from NATH (showcasing project updates and engagement). When we hear about surveys, we’ll try to limit it to one per newsletter to help space them out for you. 
We’ve introduced a monthly event engagement infographic, as well as links to new event recordings on our YouTube. We appreciate there are several events still outstanding, and we aim to work through editing and uploading these over the next couple of months. 
We’ve also made 1 of our 5 sections dedicated to communities of practice / peer support networks across Nottingham and Notts Primary Care. As we find out about more, we will continue to add to these, updating you on their next meeting dates and how to join them. 

Feedback on quality of writing 

Based on feedback for quality of writing, we are reducing the length of our articles, and will trial out how we advertise headings of articles in the Contents to help you understand what the article is about from a glance. Adding in the new structure of different topics will help balance out the newsletter so it is not all about events. 

Feedback on layout and design 

Based on feedback for layout, we have divided the newsletter into clear sections, with headings and sub-headings, all with quick links from the Contents section. Navigation is quicker through the Contents, and under each article is a ‘Back to Contents’ link so you can jump to the most relevant articles to you. 
We’ve re-branded the newsletter to make it more contemporary, eye-catching, and attractive as you progress through, adding in quotes to give it that human touch. By adding in more white space and dividers, we have hopefully made it less cluttered. 
Some people mentioned that our images are not always appropriate to the content. This is something we will work on more with the team to ensure our images accurately reflect the articles and Primary Care. 

Why you read a newsletter 

Reasons people read the newsletter: training opportunities, headlines, useful content, primary care, professional updating, general interest, CPD development opportunities, key section, local guideline update, CPD opportunities, update, date info, course information, regular content, burst of information, update, jobs role, short burst, clinical update, content, NATH, important topic, free training events, opportunities, interest, interesting relevant content, new development opportunities, learning opportunities, local services, relevant topic, key update, training, primary care issues, relevant article, relevance, main heading, primary care staff, local news, date of opportunities, current issues, upcoming events, first instance, update knowledge, brilliant scheme.
The biggest reasons you read a newsletter were to find out about opportunities and updates around learning and training. We need to make sure these are relevant and interesting for you. 

Thank you! 

Thank you to everyone who provided us with your feedback! You have helped us develop our newsletter to meet your needs. We want to continuously improve it, so if you have further ideas, please do get in touch! We’ll provide another formal feedback route in 6 months to see if our new design and content is working for you. 

Never miss an issue! 

We will archive all our issues under the 'NATH Newsletter' tag within our News blog section of the website. 
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