Welcome to our June Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub newsletter! 
In this edition, you will find articles on: 
MPSU Bulletin #4 - New Starts and Changes in Primary Care 
Upcoming NATH events 
MPSU - Diabetes Impactful Interventions 
NATH vacancy - Data Analytics Manager 
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Primary, Community & Social Care Nursing Event 
Primary Care Wellbeing and Resilience Survey 
Student placement opportunities 
Useful Tips on Record Keeping and Safe Documentation 
New Wound Care Education Modules for for Health & Care Workforce 
Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning Academy Events and Training Opportunities 
If you are new to our newsletter, we publish twice a month and promote resources, funding, events, training and development opportunities for the primary and community care workforce in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. 
Tagged as: NATH Newsletter
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