Practice Nurse Newsletter - February 2022
Written by Anna Davis and Gemma Bird
Brief update from me
Welcome to our February GPN Newsletter. Spring is almost here, I can almost smell it in the air! And with it hopefully, warmer weather and sunnier days are ahead! Winter can always seem like the longest season of the year and with winter pressures on the NHS, flu season and the added pandemic to boot, I am sure many of us are looking forward to the change of season to encourage a change in our mood and mindset too.
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Coffee and catch up sessions for the nursing teams

Just a reminder that I am running ‘Coffee and Catch up’ sessions, once a month via MS teams. It is just for nursing team members to have a chance to come together informally and discuss anything. The hope is to bring more of us together so we can create a network of us within general practice. that we can learn from and just gain that support and camaraderie with those working in the same roles within different practices. Everyone is welcome!
The following dates and times have been scheduled:
Monday 14 March 13.30-14.30
Wednesday 20 April 11.00-12.00

Just a reminder that we have lots of CPD events happening throughout the year. Ensure you check out our Eventbrite page regularly for any upcoming events.
Nursing Associate Forum

The next Nursing Associate Forum will take place on 22nd March at 13.00. This event will be using a case study approach to identify your Nursing Associate's role in caring for patients with long term conditions. This event is available to all Nursing associates and Health care assistants.
Save the dates

We are currently planning virtual diabetes training sponsored by Lilly Pharmaceuticals. This will be available to book via the Nottinghamshire Alliance Eventbrite soon. The sessions are planned for these dates:
•20 April 12.30 to 14.00 - Practicalities of Starting a GLP-1 RA Therapy / Choosing a GLP-1 RA
•27 April 12.30 to 14.00 - Insulin for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
•5 May 12.30 to 14.00 - Optimisation and Daily Management of Insulin Therapy
We also have funds available to support your progress. A variety of training and courses can be financially supported via the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub. If you have any questions or queries regarding this please feel free to contact the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub.
Notts GPN Respiratory Network

I am currently in the process of setting up the Notts GPN Respiratory Network. I am hoping to undertake bi-annual meetings for practice nurses with a particular interest in respiratory disease. We will come together to discuss best practices, current and new guidelines as they become available, look at quality improvement projects and work collaboratively in supporting the development of respiratory services and education across the county. If you have a particular interest in respiratory disease and would like to be part of the group please do get in touch.
Primary Care Student Support Forum

We are still looking for surgeries to take on student nurses for placements. For more information on this please contact the Nottinghamshire Alliance Trainng Hub. However, For any trainee health care professionals on placement within practice, we are holding Primary Care student supprt forum sessions. The next session will be on the 29 March 15.30-16.30.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary Care Racism and Discrimination Survey

This survey is part of a strategy to overcome the barriers our workforce faces, addressing racial inequities and understanding the diversity of our Primary Care teams. We encourage everyone to complete this survey, even if you have not been directly impacted by the issues raised. The survey closes on 13 March.
- Anna Davis and Gemma Bird -
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Practice Nurse Leads
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
Tagged as: *Nursing Team, Newsletters
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