Practice Nurse Newsletter - July 2021
Written by Anna Davis
Brief update from me
It’s really exciting that the NATH team have expanded and are all working on projects to promote the General Practice Nurse Team within the system. More from Kate's, Rubby's and Gemma's projects later in the newsletter. Last week I interviewed 2 amazing Health Care Assistants (HCAs) for trainee nursing associate roles, they're joining our growing nursing associate group in primary care. We are also working on a plan for apprenticeships for HCAs and supporting GP Assistants (GPAs). As always if you wish to know more about what is happening or would like to get involved, please contact us at
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Training Needs Analysis, analysed - What's important to you?
Thank you to those 420 members of staff in primary care who filled in the Training Needs Analysis survey. We have the quantitative data and are just going through the rich qualitative information you provided. This all helps with putting on and signposting to training events on requested topics.
New traffic light changes for some diabetic medication from APC (Area Prescribing Committee)
Gliclazide and pioglitazone have moved to join SGLT2 (sodium glucose linked co-transporter 2) inhibitors in AMBER 3. (Permissive requests should not be sent directly to secondary care). To find out more read this bulletin.
Lower Limb Wound Care event
Save the date for Tuesday 14 September pm. NATH are organising a face-to-face event to be held centrally - info to follow.
In line with the local and national recommendations consider class I compression hosiery and refer to leg ulcer clinic early for full vascular assessment. Consider underlying causes, health promotion and self- care. Documentation to support and guide early management will be available shortly on F12.
Red Cross PIN for pressure relieving cushions
It is essential that every primary care team should have access to a Red Cross PIN (Personal Identification Number) to order pressure relieving cushions. (Mattresses are not included). It does not have to be a clinician who undertakes training. Please see dates.
Trainee Nursing Associate Apprenticeships
We have over 15 trainee and qualified Nursing Associates in primary care in a peer support network. If you are interested in knowing more about the role or training click below.
New to Practice Nurse Survey
Gemma Bird has joined the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub to support all nurses new to general practice and is looking forward to working alongside you all. Anybody who has joined as a new practice nurse within the last 18 months, or is due to start in their role soon, please feel free to contact her for any information or support you may require. If you are new to general practice in the last 18 months, please can you complete the survey below.
Advanced Clinical Practitioners
Kate Knowles (Integrated Care System (ICS) Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) lead) and Rubby Legbedze (Primary Care ACP lead) have been newly recruited into NATH to help standardise advanced clinical practice across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS. Their focus is on providing a governance structure to support, provide parity and raise awareness of the role.
They will start contacting individuals in due course who have already identified themselves as working in an advanced capacity, to identify ongoing needs (with or without a Masters). They are also interested in meeting others and those interested in this role.
ShinyMind Event
ShinyMind and NATH are hosting a free event for all staff working in primary care across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. It is for new and existing users of the ShinyMind app and those who want to learn more about the app and its benefits. The event takes place on 8 September at 14:00-15:00.
I know I’ve mentioned about this App before but it really is amazing and FREE. ‘Becoming a Mind Detective' is my favourite masterclass. You can go from having negative thoughts to positive ones in 5 mins.
- Anna -
ICS Practice Nurse Lead
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
Influencing without Hierarchy Workshop - This half day workshop will show you how to use some simple tools to help you understand your own response, the responses and motivations of other people and have a greater impact in your workplace so you can influence others in ways that create win-win solutions for everyone.
Tagged as: Practice Nurse Newsletter
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