Practice Nurse Newsletter - May 2022
Written by Anna Davis and Gemma Bird
Brief update from us
These months seems to go really quickly! We hope you all celebrated International Nursing Day in some way. It was lovely to see the photos that people shared on twitter either of someone who inspired them to be a nurse or a picture reminiscing your earlier years. My best friend from my course died a few years ago of cancer, her kindness and care to patients was inspirational and something I look back on fondly.
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Grow Notts Primary Care App
Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information.
GPN Team Survey
Thank you to all those who responded, 177 in total with a wealth of data we can start to act upon. Our Evaluator Sarah was very excited by the data set. We will be sharing the results with you at the Networking Event along with how the results are shaping plans.
Lower Limb Wounds
Hello All, I am chairing a Community Of Practice group with clinical representatives across all the services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. There is a national CQUN for the community to assess patients within 28 days of being referred to leg ulcer clinics including, dopplers and onward referral, if appropriate. Everyone is trying to work together to improve the pathway for these patients. Please remember to refer to the leg ulcer clinic 14 days from the start of the wound appearing and use the template to aid with this.
Respiratory Network meeting
We held our first unofficial Respiratory Network meeting to gauge interest and ideas on whether a GPN/Primary Care Network would be beneficial, and it was agreed it could be. Ideas on support, training and quality improvement work were discussed and how we can utilise a forum within general practice moving forward. The first official meeting will now be held on 13 July 12-13.30pm. This is open to anybody within Primary care with a respiratory focus or those who undertake any kind of respiratory review. If you would like the MS Teams link please email
Future Schemes
We have put proposals together for several mid-career fellows working ½ a day a week for 6 months. They will undertake the CARE programme and be supported to make a small improvement of their choosing. They could perhaps do some work on the Primary Care Network targets with other roles that need a nursing voice.
Continuing on with the CARE programme mentioned above; you are welcome to do this programme in conjunction or separately to the Mid-career fellowship. We ran a pilot in September 2020 and had very positive feedback from participants regarding supporting well-being and population health involvement.
Network Event Celebration
Prior to the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary, Community and Social Care Nursing Network Event, we are going to be catching up with Rosa Waddington our Chief Nurse to discuss what we have been up to and our future plans. Rosa has been a Practice Nurse herself and is very excited to meet people. There will be a focus on networking, sharing ideas, embracing all nursing team roles, and making improvements. We can’t wait to see people there and the venue is lovely!
Further free Diabetes Training
With the success of the EDEN courses, our Diabetes Specialist Nurses have been able put on future events. See below.
F12 Training
Members of the team are kindly putting on some training so book training below and please get in touch to express interest and please offer any improvement suggestions.
EMIS F12 - Tuesday 7th June 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Clinicians - F12 clinical guidance, referrals & data entry - Wednesday 15th June 6:00pm - 6:45pm
Clinicians - F12 clinical guidance, referrals & data entry - Thursday 23rd June 12:30pm - 1.15pm
Restorative clinical supervision and well-being
If anybody would be interested in restorative clinical supervision to support their overall wellbeing within the workplace please contact Gemma, she is happy to support and set up sessions for you. We are also in the process of setting up a professional nurse advocate network and attempting to implement the PNA role and RCS on a wider scale across general practices within Notts. We will continue to keep you updated as this hopefully evolves.
- Anna Davis and Gemma Bird -
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Practice Nurse Leads
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
Tagged as: *Nursing Team, Newsletters
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