Practice Nurse Newsletter - November 2021
Written by Anna Davis and Gemma Bird
Brief update from me
On November 7-13 we celebrated Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) Week. We have a cohort of 14 primary care students starting on their ACP journey, fully funded. We will be sharing the findings of phase 1 of the ACP project shortly. Another essential role in primary care is Health Care Supporter and we celebrated their day on 2 November. Thank you for all that you do and bring to the team.
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
There is still some funding available for Nurses and Nursing Associates through the continuous development fund and Health Care Support Workers can access funding through the workforce development fund. It can be for courses, books, conferences and anything that will support your development. In particular, we are looking at bulk buying long term condition modules. So get your application in soon!
New leg ulcer template
Many General Practice Nurses still believe they have to wait 6 weeks for referring a patient to the leg ulcer clinic. The wait is actually only 14 days. There is a new F12 template that will guide you through the pathway including possible aids to healing and links to leg ulcer service specifications. Additionally for the South ICP, there is a new referral form on Single Point of Access (SPA) which sits on the ‘letter section’ for the leg ulcer clinic to see but please also send an electronic referral on SPA signposting your referral.
We are well into flu vaccination season and most will have already started with Covid. Here are some useful resources. If you are struggling with a particular cohort and would like to raise this or alternatively any initiatives that have been successful, we are happy to raise these on the ‘Flu Groups’.
Healthy weight coach
This is an event to launch the Healthy Weight Coach e-learning programme. This event will be held on 2 December 2021 from 11.30-13.00. To sign up to the Microsoft Live Event, please register on Eventbrite.
Looking after you too
Check out all the free offers that the NHS is making available to primary care staff!
New blood glucose testing moniter
We have a new monitor on the formulary . The ACCU-Chek Performa is being phased out (you will still be able to get strips for at least a year). They have replaced it with ACCU Chek INSTANT. Strips are found under ‘Instant Testing Strips’.
Befriending week
This Covid-19 has presented so many challenges but our fantastic befriending volunteers have made a huge different to the lonely people they speak to. Please talk to your social prescribers if you have anyone you think may benefit.
Mary is 74 and lives alone. She was feeling very isolated and was unable to go outside. She couldn’t read or watch TV because of deteriorating eyesight, and her hospital treatment was put on hold as a result of the pandemic. Helen, calls her once a week for a friendly chat. Helen helped Mary to join the library service and another volunteer, Lesley, now delivers a regular supply of talking books to Mary’s home.
Mary says: “The befriending service has made a real difference to me. I so enjoy the books that Lesley brings and look forward to chatting to Helen every week”
Menopause training
Many nurses asked for a session on menopause in the training needs analysis. Therefore we are please to announce the menopause CPD session on the 8 December.
Electronic patient specific directive
Our brilliant F12 team have been working hard. They have made a helpful video that should demonstrate how to bulk add PSD In SystmOne.
Hypertension case-finding session
We are currently looking at running several hypertension case-finding sessions; one for Health Care Support Workers and Nursing Associates on 19 January at 13.00-13.25 and a quality improvement session on 25 January. Other cardiology sessions are being planned with cardiology involvement.
There are around 260 members in the Closed Notts Practice Nurses Group (for GPN team members in Notts practices). It’s a really good, quick way to ask each other questions – regarding practice, stock etc. It’s also a way Gemma and I can forward things on in a timely manner or ask you what you would like. If you are interested in joining, please contact the alliance e-mail to express interest.
- Anna Davis and Gemma Bird -
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Practice Nurse Leads
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
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