Written by Anna Davis 

Brief update from me 

I attended a place-based meeting the other week across the South, I had no idea quite how much was being done by the council and voluntary groups to support people's mental and physical well-being. Including allotment projects, famous sporting venues, dementia and learning disability cafes and so much more. Your social prescribers are here to signpost your patients to all these amazing opportunities so please use them and make suggestions if you do identify anything missing in your local area. 

Newsletter Update 

Nurse with stethoscope holding a laptop/tablet
People have been in touch regarding direct mailing but as MailChimp currently goes straight into people’s junk mail, I’m going to continue as present. Newsletters are always published on the Training Hub Website so there is an option there. As always if you wish to know more about what is happening or would like to get involved, please contact us at alliance.hub1@nhs.net. 

New Memeber Of The GPN Lead Team 

I’m really excited this month to introduce Gemma Bird to the Integrated Care Partnerships' Practice Nurse Lead team. Gemma will also be continuing in her role as new to practice lead, continuing to work in practice and represent Mid-Notts. 

Diabetes Training 

Lower limb
There are various training opportunities on offer including the Clinical Commissioning Group's ‘Improving Clinical Practice to Achieve the Three Treatment Targets’. And also free CPD diabetes based training session for all health professional by Diabetes Specialist Nurse Louise Dodds. 

Pre-diabetes Shadowing Opportunties  

3 piggy banks of different sizes
The Pre-diabetes education provider is offering viewing sessions for health professionals; please contact Lucy Gibson at l.gibson@lwtcsupport.co.uk to find out more. 
Session 1 
Introduction & Knowing Yourself 
Session 2 
Healthy Lifestyle & Behaviour Change 
Session 3 
Healthy Eating 
Session 4 
Understanding Food Labelling 
Session 5 
Physical Activity 
Session 6 
Overcoming Challenges 
Session 7 
Planning Ahead 
Session 8 
Weight Management 
Session 9 
Hydration & its impact 
Session 10 
Progress Review 
Session 11 
Impact of Diabetes and Review of Nutritional Information 
Session 12 
Review Lifestyle Choices 

Clinical Academic Careers For Ethnic Minorities  

Healthcare professionals in a meeting
The Institute of Care Excellence at Nottingham University Hospital Trust, in collaboration with the Florence Nightingale Trust is pleased to present a clinical academic development opportunity for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals from ethnic minorities. Please see link if you are interested. For more info and and an expression of interest form contact InstituteofExcellence@nuh.nhs.uk. 

Hypertension Case Finding 

Multi-Professional Support Unit logo
September is ‘Know Your Numbers’ month! Bulwell and Top Valley Primary Care Network have a great job in getting out there to enlighten the public. From October case finding for suspected hypertension, is the focus for PCNs. It’s a great opportunity for GPN teams to get together and come up with a shared protocol. 

Flu Vaccinations  

Child getting his throat examined
Many of you will have already had your updates by now but if you’ve not seen it, this document is full of frequency asked questions for health professionals and definitely worth knowing about. 

Learning And development funding  

ShinyMind - Introduction to the app and experiences during the pandemic, 8 September 2021, 14.00-15.00
NATH are pleased to announce that funding is available for training. The funding includes trainee nursing associate courses and those for health care assistants. It is worth putting in a query if you’re unsure you qualify, as there may be other options available such as monies for apprenticeships.  

Fall Prevention 

Tipped over bottle of pills
Aging well is high on the agenda for our population and this is a great opportunity for practice nurses to take part and utilise their knowledge and learn from others. 

Advanced Practice  

Tipped over bottle of pills
Rubby’s secondment is to find out what support primary care need in practice now and going forward. If you are interested in how you can enhance your role or believe you are working at an advanced level please get in touch. Rubby is keen to talk to you and can provide support, can direct towards updates and opportunities. Contact Rubby at R.legbedze@nhs.net
- Anna - 
ICS Practice Nurse Lead 

Relevant Links 

ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS 
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