Written by Steve White, James Baillon and Louise Woodward, 27/01/2023 
Back in July 2022, we launched the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary Care Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Survey 2022. We got 258 responses and a summary of the feedback can be found on our TNA webpage. 
The purpose of the TNA was to determine the gaps between current and desired knowledge, skills and abilities. We wanted to identify what you see as the key, non-mandatory training requirements for Primary Care across Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire, to ensure we meet your needs. 
The aims of receiving feedback through the TNA 2022 was to: 
Plan future training opportunities across the ICS 
Inform how the 2022/23 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Workforce Development Funds (WDF) can be allocated 
Support ICS bids for a share of national funding around education and development 

How we planned future training opportunities 

After the TNA closed, between August 2022 – January 2023, we delivered 37 training events to 635 delegates. Of these, 19 of the event topics were based on development needs identified through the TNA. This included: 
Appropriate use of SGLT2 Inhibitors and the Kidney Failure Risk Equation 
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness 
Personality Disorders for the Whole Team 
Paediatric Asthma 
Overview of Contraception 
Low Calorie Diet for Type II Diabetics 
Introduction to Health Coaching 
Clinical Supervision 
Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiectasis 

How we allocated CPD Funds and Workforce Development Funds 

Here is a list of the top 10 types of courses identified from the TNA vs those that were actually booked via our Learning and Development Funding Request Form (found on our L&D Funds webpage): 

Top 10 TNA 

Long covid 
Learning disabilities 
Health coaching and behaviour change 
Men's health 
Endocrine and diabetes 
Chronic pain management 
Women’s health 

Top 10 Funding Requests 

Musculoskeletal issues 
Endocrine and diabetes 
Respiratory conditions 
Mental health 
Chronic pain management 
Health coaching and behaviour change 
Women's health 
Sexual health 
Palliative care and end of life 

Further analysis: 

‘Long Covid’ was the topic for which most respondents considered themselves to be a ‘Novice’ or had ‘Little / No Awareness’ of. There were no funded courses specifically on this topic, however courses in ‘Respiratory Conditions’ which may be related, were among the most requested (13.4%) and funded. Only courses in ‘Women’s Health’ received more funding, while courses looking at ‘Musculoskeletal Issues’ were the most common (14.9%). 
Other clinical topics for which course requests were highest and the proportion of respondents reporting little or no awareness, experience or knowledge was similarly high, included; ‘Chronic Pain Management’ (9%) and ‘Mental Health’ (9%). 
Courses in ‘Women’s Health’, ‘Mental Health’ and ‘Endocrine and Diabetes’ were among the most funded of the clinical topics which respondents had reported little or no awareness, experience and knowledge of. 
Clinical topics with the greatest proportion of respondents reporting little or no awareness, knowledge or experience of, but receiving no funding requests included; ‘Learning Disabilities’ (5.8%), ‘Opthamology’ (4.8%), ‘Dermatology’ (4.7%) and ‘Men’s Health’ (4.7%). 
Courses in ‘Non-medical prescribing’ accounted for the majority CPD spend, whilst Workforce Development Funds were largely allocated to ‘Business Services’. 
Whilst funding needs to be used for courses that take place prior to 31 March 2023, there are still funds available to support your learning and development needs. To apply for funding, please use our individual or group funding forms, found on our Learning and Development Funds webpage. If you are unsure of the best course for your training requirements, email us to discuss. 

Additional questions at the end of TNA 


NATH Newsletter 

44 individuals signed up to the NATH newsletter. Since then, they have received 13 newsletter issues promoting resources, funding, events, training and development opportunities. You can sign up to the newsletter here. 

Grow Notts Primary Care app 

58 individuals sent the download information for the Grow Notts Primary Care app which sends out daily/weekly push notifications to their phones on the latest CPD, opportunities and information across the ICS. We now have over 560 downloads of our app in total and continue to upload the app with new content each week. Search “Grow Notts Primary Care” in your App / Play Store to download. More information on our app webpage. 

Peer Support Networks 

Connected individuals to peer support networks where a relevant network was in place across the ICS. Find networks on our website. 


Sent 32 individuals information on how to access a coach to aid their development. You can access a coach as well via the NHS. 

Practice Supervisor / Assessor 

10 wanted to become a supervisor and / or assessor, and were sent a link to our Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) Training packages (where appropriate for job role). In total over 140 individuals have undertaken our training to support student placements in primary care. Undertake the SSSA Training here. 
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