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Advanced Practice 

What is Advanced Practice (AP)? 

NHS England defines advanced practice as a defined level of practice within clinical professions such as nursing, pharmacy, paramedics and occupational therapy. This level of practice is designed to transform and modernise pathways of care, enabling the safe and effective sharing of skills across traditional professional boundaries. 

Resources for Advanced Practitioners (APs) 

October 2023 update: new documents approved at ICS level which can be used as resources: 
NHS England have developed a range of resources including a Multi-professional framework for advanced practice in England which can be helpful to understand how the role works. 
View the Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice – Midlands website to keep up-to-date with important developments at NHS England. 
Information and supporting links for those seeking to undertake Supported e-portfolio Route (for recognition of education and training equivalence.)  
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS AP Steering Group has authored a Memorandum of Understanding document that contains the recommended minimum standards for qualified APs. This document, having gained approval and sign-off from the ICS Clinical and Care Executive Group, can be used by APs and their employers as guidance. 
View and download an editable copy of NHS England's Advanced Practice Maturity Matrix for employers of AP teams. 

Resources for people interested in becoming an Advanced Practitioner (AP) 

If you have not already been in touch and have any experienced registered healthcare professional staff who you are keen to develop into advanced practitioners, by starting a Masters at any stage in the year, please get in touch with us at NATH. We suggest that you first use the ‘readiness checklist’ that is attached and then, if all answers are yes, complete the Expressions of Interest Form (for which the link is provided at the base of the checklist). 

Recent statement from the Nursing & Midwifery Council 

At its meeting on 27 March (2024), our Council approved the recommendation that we proceed to develop an approach to the additional regulation of advanced practice. We will do further engagement with our stakeholders and run a public consultation on final proposals. 
To be updated and involved please join the NMC AP regulation community of interest. 

System-wide AP Development in the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) 

You can download a PDF version of the 'What does 'system working' mean for Advanced Practice' poster here. 
I have been looking at examples of AP information on other ICS’s websites and came across yours. The video is brilliant – you all come across as a team that would be great to work for/with and as an ACP I would feel the support emanating from you. The MOU is superb, the routes into and through AP is gorgeous and simple, the posters are inspired! It looks amazing and I would love to learn a bit more of how you executed your project. 
Senior Project Manager in Workforce Development for Advanced Practice, Independent Prescribing & Health Care Science. 
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System | NHS Surrey Heartlands 
We’re so pleased Sophie reached out to us to learn more about our AP Project and to hear such nice feedback! If you would like to know more as well, contact us at alliance.hub1@nhs.net 

Join our ICS Primary Care AP Network 

The ICS Primary Care AP Network Group is now up and running. If you are training or working in advanced practice within Primary Care and would like to join via the link below. 
Aims for the Network: 
Promote collaborative working 
Provide educational and supervisory support for the advanced practitioners 
Promote effective and safe practice within the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) 

Advanced Pharmacy Practice 

Work in pharmacy? 
We have a dedicated page specifically for Advanced Pharmacy Practice which provides: 
Overview of Advanced Practice 
Routes into Advanced Practice for Pharmacists 
Details on the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Core Advanced Pharmacist Curriculum 

Routes Into and Through Advanced Practice 

Healthcare Workforce 

Allied Health Professions (AHPs) 
Health Care Scientists 
Physician Associates (PAs) 
Physician Associate PA degree 
Unregistered healthcare workers 
For more information on the different levels of practice (e.g. Initial, Enhanced, Advanced, Consultant), read the Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England. 

Initial Level Practice 

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Enhanced Level Practice 

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Professional regulation 
Experience (4 Pillars of AP) 
On-going learning and development (4 Pillars of AP) 



Advanced Practitioners (APs) 


Various job titles 
To work at AP level, you need to maintain your: 
Regulation (compulsory) – this feeds back into ‘Professional regulation 
Personal portfolio (compulsory) 
Accreditation (optional) – this could be through Royal Colleges 
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Consultant Level Practice 

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NHS England Centre of Advancing Practice National Directory of APs, e.g. accredited programme, HEE supported portfolio 

The 4 Pillars of AP and Potential Career Pathways 

Clinical Practice 
Research and Innovation 
Clinical Academic Careers 
Healthcare Organisation Managers 
Programme Director 

NHS England resources for curriculum and competencies 

These resources are available on the NHS England website, e.g. 
Acute Medicine 
Older Person 
Learning Disabilities and Autism 
Mental Health 

Royal Colleges, e.g. 

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) 
Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) 
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) 
Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) 
Royal College of Physicians (RCP) 
Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) 
Royal Pharmaceutical Society