Leadership and Organisational Development 

Audit of potentially avoidable appointments 

This audit tool was developed as part of a research project commissioned by NHS England who have committed to extend this work by funding support for practices.  
The tool is free and easy to use to see how many of your appointments might be avoidable and explore how you might be able to do something about it. 

Civility Saves Lives 

Civility Saves Lives are a collective voice for the importance of respect, professional courtesy and valuing each other.  
They aim to raise awareness of the negative impact that rudeness (incivility) can have in healthcare, so that we can understand the impact of our behaviours. 

Healthcare Leadership Model App 

The NHS Leadership Academy have designed a Healthcare Leadership Model App. It allows you to record observations about the leadership behaviours that you see around you and explore those behaviours using the dimensions of the Healthcare Leadership Model. You can add in your own reflections, save and revisit your entries, set goals and reminders and download a summary PDF report for your specific programme or portfolio.  
The App is free, open access, web-based and also accessible from your desktop or mobile devices. 

Inclusion Health Self Assessment Tool for PCNs 

This online tool will help your Primary Care Network (PCN) to assess it’s engagement with Inclusion Health groups. These are the groups identified as experiencing the worst health inequalities in the UK. 
The tool consists of five sections and takes around 10 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the self assessment, you will be provided with a unique and tailored guide which will help PCNs to embed action on tackling health inequalities into its everyday activities. 

Introduction to workforce planning 

A 90-minute Introduction to Workforce Planning – Virtual Learning Lounge’ event (delivered by NATH in October 2020) covers the basics of workforce planning within a Primary Care setting. The slide deck covers: 
A definition of workforce planning 
The 5 elements of workforce planning 
An appreciation of the wider factors to workforce planning  
Understanding the benefits of effective workforce planning and mindset 
Applying the 80/20 Pareto Principle to workforce planning 
Understanding the need for quality workforce data 
An overview of 2 workforce planning process models and the HEE Star 
Consideration of factors in the workforce pipeline and how to ‘close the gap’ 
An understanding using a continuous improvement model  
An understanding of how the process can inform decision making, drafting and submitting workforce plans. 

National Occupational Standards 

Did you know that the National Occupational Standards (NOS) website provides helpful information that you may want to use when considering training options, recruitment or organisational planning.  
If you want support with training options or workforce planning remember you can contact us via alliance.hub1@nhs.net. 

National Quality Improvement and Clinical Audit Network 

National Quality Improvement and Clinical Audit Network (N-QI-CAN) is an independent body working collaboratively with national clinical audit and quality improvement bodies and regional networks. It is a recognised group within health and social care, but is not a direct function of the NHS England, the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) or any other similar body. 
N-QI-CAN’s objectives will rightly reflect those of NHS England and HQIP where clinical audit is concerned, however N-QI-CAN retains its own independent voice. Recommendations made by N-QI-CAN are not binding on any other organisation. NQICAN has regional networks which include East Midlands. Areas covered include Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire Northamptonshire or Lincolnshire, along with Health Education East Midlands, East Midlands Academic Health Science Network and Clinical Audit Support Centre. 
Staff working in GP surgeries and CCG’s are welcome to add system wide thinking when discussing Quality improvement. 

Student Leadership Programme 

The Student Leadership Programme aims to promote and develop leadership skills among the future nursing, midwifery and AHP workforce by working with first and second year pre-registration students.  
Using information from a student survey and the input of students on the project advisory group the programme has been co-designed with students to ensure it focuses on areas not covered in current pre-registration curricula. The #150Leaders are affectionate name for those students who are accepted on to the programme.  
Keep an eye out on the below website for when the next cohort for applications will open. 

Developing your leadership skills within pharmacy 

Leadership is a key part of the work of all pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, regardless of sector, location or experience. Leadership is for everyone. Visit the Nottinghamshire Pharmacy Workforce Faculty page on leadership for information on: 
Developing your leadership skills 
Online self-assessment tools 
Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Leadership Development Framework 
Further leadership resources