made in error
Useful links
Information on licensed inhalers for asthma and COPD patients, as well as pathways to follow to support appropriate prescribing and management of respiratory conditions.
The Green Book has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures, for vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK.
Respiratory Specialist nurse who offers both online and face-to-face training sessions as well as e-learning in all things respiratory, including asthma and COPD. Many of these training activities are funded or part funded to make them more accessible to all HCPs across the UK.
FRSH is a faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist. It is also a faculty of family planning and reproductive health. Their specialist committee members work together to produce high-quality training programmes, conferences and events.
Provides healthcare professionals with essential Travel Medicine information and resources. A 'one-stop-shop' for information for travel health consultations.
They help improve the quality of travel health advice given by GP practices, travel clinics, pharmacies and other healthcare providers, and provide up-to-date and reliable information for the international traveller, travel industry and national government.
All information on cytology screening, treatment and information on all gynaecological cancers. Extremely useful resource to sign post patients too.
They offer a combination of face-to-face learning, Microsoft Teams, webinars and practical mentoring sessions, including time to talk on a one-to-one basis plus ongoing support.
Online resource for both HCPs and patients on all thing’s diabetes. Also, HCP resources available for ordering or downloading to support clinics.
Training Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes (TREND). Allows any healthcare professional, interested in diabetes care, from around the world to benefit from access to their educational resources.
Online learning resources for healthcare professionals on things diabetes.
Extremely useful and nationally recognised resource for all HCPs who work with patients with respiratory disease. A variety of resources and information available via their website and yearly 2-day conference.
Organisation offering various long term condition training and accredited modules to support GPN professional development. Update, workshops, level 5, 6 & 7 modules available in variety of areas such as heat failure, diabetes, COPD and asthma.
A forum which encourages all nurses working in General Practice to share best practice and for your voice to be heard by the national team.
These competencies have been designed to help ensure consistency in the clinical standards of immunisers, and for immunisers to use their knowledge and skills to ensure all those eligible in a population get the vaccines they need in a timely, easily accessible and safe way.
Their elearning programmes are developed in partnership with the NHS, 3rd sector and professional bodies and can be accessed for free, 24/7 by health and care professionals.
Research for GPNs
If you would like to get involved with primary care research or find out more about any of the below information, please contact the CCG Research Champions:
Why do research?
For our patients
To improve health and advance patient care.
To find new drugs, vaccines, psychological therapies, physical therapies and more.
Primary care is a research setting which is accessible to almost all the population.
For yourself
Research content in nursing jobs enhances recruitment, retention and reduces burnout. Nurses report benefiting from research involvement in many ways; status, curiosity, learning, contribution, meaning and purpose, public and peer recognition.
The practice receives income from the Clinical Research Network and the individual studies to pay for your time. Nurses may also do research as overtime shifts or work for practices away from their main employer to carry out research.
How to take part in research
Research is organised by the Clinical Research Network who approach practices with studies which have been designed and fully approved. The practice chooses which studies they do. Activity can be as simple as:
Putting a poster up in the waiting room promoting a study
Sending a text message with a link to the study’s webpage to patients
Identifying patients that fit the criteria for a study by running a clinical system search and pointing them to the study teams
We have developed a 6 step guide on how to get involved in research as a Locum GP or Nurse which you can download. These steps are:
Step 1
Getting the required training done
Step 2
Aligning yourself to a friendly Practice(s)
Step 3
Sorting the finances
Step 4
Deciding what studies you want to undertake
Step 5
Step 6
Making the leap!
Free training opportunities
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) via National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The international ethical, scientific and practical standard to which all clinical research is conducted. This is useful for anyone involved in research and a requirement for some studies.
Join our free interactive forum PRESENT: Primary Care Research Support Network East Midlands. You can ask anything you like about research and also find lots of how-to guides and other resources for those starting on their journey into research.
Grow Notts Primary Care App

Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information.
Primary Care and General Practice Nursing Career and Core Capabilities Framework
Advice for Nurses new to General Practice
Helpful advice and encouragement from current Practice Nurses for Student Nurses and newly qualified or new-to-practice Nurses.
Thank you for choosing Nursing!
Remeber to enjoy your day, try to make a difference, time management is important but please enjoy all you do. Remember there will always be a Mr Smith/Jones.
It's well worth all of your hard work - Keep going!
The role is so rewarding - You can make a difference!
It's totally worth it!
Primary Care is the only place you can work with patients across the lifespan. Primary Care is such a privileged area of health to work in.
Look after yourself as well as others.
The relationship with the patients and the difference we can make in simple ways is priceless!
You can achieve anything you want to!
You can make a difference to each and every patient you see!
Believe in yourself and keep going!
Take all feedback as constructive - Reflection helps you get through.
Take every opportunity you are given.
It's ok to feel like you have imposter syndrome for years after you qualify.
Extremely hard work but this is one of the most rewarding jobs.
There is no harder work than primary care, however, the smiles from patients make it all worth it.