e-Learning Opportunities 

Freedom to Speak Up in Healthcare in England 

The National Guardians Office has launched a Freedom to Speak Up in Healthcare in England programme. Targeted at managers at all levels, it provides learners with the tools to foster a speaking up culture, with a focus on listening and understanding the barriers to speaking up. 

Perinatal Mental Health 

The Perinatal Mental Health programme has been designed to help educate and develop the workforce caring for people with perinatal mental health issues. This programme currently provides courses across three key areas: 
Perinatal Mental Health 
Perinatal Mental Health for Health Visitors 
Perinatal Mental Health for Occupational Therapists 

Care Certificate for Support Workers 

The care certificate identifies 15 standards which all health and care support workers should undertake training in. The majority of this training can now be accessed free of charge via e-Learning for Healthcare. 
NHS England have a handy care certificate toolkit with a range of resources to help you implement the care certificate in practice. If you need any help or require more information email us at alliance.hub1@nhs.net. 

Improving Mouth Care and Mouth Care for Adults 

By the end of this course, you will: 
Recognise why taking care of the mouth is important 
Be introduced to basic mouth care 
Know the importance of caring for your own mouth 
Recognise the need to take care of someone else's mouth 
Be aware of the causes of dental disease 
Recognise the need to report any oral health concerns 
To access the course you need to register and log-in to the e-Learning for Healthcare portal. 

Paramedic CPD Modules 

Paramedic eLearning is a suite of Continuing Professional Development modules for Paramedics working in a variety of settings. These online modules have been developed with the aim of providing ‘bite-sized’, interactive learning experiences that function well on a variety of mobile devices. 
Each module consists of up to ten individual sessions that should each take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Each session includes the same sections: 
Case Studies 

COVID-19 Vaccination Theoretical Training 

The COVID-19 Vaccination e-learning programme is designed to provide the health and care workforce involved in the national COVID-19 vaccination programme with the knowledge they need to confidently promote high uptake of the vaccine and deliver the vaccine programme effectively. 
The programme currently consists of one core knowledge session, which covers subjects including vaccine eligibility and legal aspects, and an accompanying multiple-choice assessment session. All those undertaking this e-learning should complete the core knowledge session as this is designed to provide essential knowledge about COVID-19 and the key principles of vaccination needed to deliver the vaccine. 
This e-learning programme provides theoretical training. Practical training in vaccine administration, and assessment and sign-off competency is also required before administering the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Cancer Early Diagnosis Courses 

GatewayC’s interactive online courses are all RCGP accredited and can be used to earn CPD credits. Their courses are developed by GPs and other specialists, providing valuable insights from those regularly dealing with specific cancers. All courses are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect new clinical guidance, with new modules in development for other cancers. 
Early Diagnosis courses include: 
Acute Leukaemia 
Brain Tumour 
Chronic Leukaemia 
Colorectal Cancer 
Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) 
Lung Cancer 
Metastatic Prostate Cancer 
Oesophageal Cancer 
Ovarian Cancer 
Pancreatic Cancer 
Prostate Cancer – Responding to a PSA Screening Request 
Stomach Cancer 
Symptomatic Prostate Cancer 

Restorative Just and Learning Culture 

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust have developed free online training around Just and Learning Culture help ensure your organisation has a fair, open and learning culture. This is aimed at HR staff, but accessible to all. 

eGPlearning – Digital Technology 

Hussain ‘DrGandalf’ Gandhi provides a range of services to improve digital primary care. This includes health tech consultancy, social media training for clinicians, video consultation skills training and med tech reviews. 

Prescribing, Therapeutics and Medicines Management 

SCRIPT is an eLearning programme to improve safety and competency among healthcare professionals around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. They have programmes in: 
Ambulance Service 
Medicine and Surgery 
Primary Care 
SCRIPT Safety 

Personalised Care Institute 

The Personalised Care Institute is a virtual organisation, accountable for setting the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care in England. 
Learners of all levels and in all health and care roles can access their flexible eLearning. Learners can track their progress, test their learning and join group learning opportunities, as well as access resources and training from other high-quality providers. 
Training providers are able to apply for programmes to become accredited by the Personalised Care Institute against the standards set in the personalised care curriculum. 
Commissioners of personalised care training in England will utilise their list of high quality providers with accredited programmes to deliver training to their healthcare teams. 

All Our Health e-Learning Sessions 

The All Our Health e-learning sessions have been developed to provide a bite-sized introduction to the wide range of topics covered within the All Our Health framework. Within these sessions, you’ll find signposting to trusted sources of helpful evidence, guidance and support. You can dip in and out of the content as and when you need it. 
Currently, there are 25 All Our Health e-learning sessions available covering a wide variety of public health topics.  
All Our Health supports system wide priorities on prevention, including those within the NHS Long Term Plan, by providing support and practical guidance for all health and care professionals on how to embed prevention within their work, helping to reduce health inequalities, premature morbidity and mortality. 

Making Every Contact Count - health and wellbeing information 

Make Every Contact Count (MECC) enables the delivery of consistent and concise health and wellbeing information and encourages individuals to engage in conversations about their health at scale across organisations and populations. MECC is for everyone, it is not restricted to one person, profession or organisation. 

Health Literacy 

Health literacy is about people having enough knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence to use health information, to be active partners in their care, and to navigate health and social care systems. Therefore, to access, assess and apply health information, people need to be health literate. 

Suicide Prevention 

Almost everyone thinking about suicide doesn’t want to stop living – they just want to stop the pain and distress they are feeling. The purpose of this programme is to support the ambition of reducing the stigma associated with suicide, to help everyone see that simply asking someone how they are and talking about suicide can really help. The programme supports learning and development in suicide competence at Level One. 
It has been developed for the wider public health workforce including voluntary sector, emergency services, prison staff and prison listeners and all staff in health and social care. 

RCGP Health Inequalities e-learning 

This course explores health inequalities; what they are and why they matter to patients, communities and practitioners. The first module offers an introduction to health inequalities which will be relevant to all practitioners in the United Kingdom, as well as an overview of NHS England and Improvement’s Health Inequalities Improvement Programme. In the module on leadership we examine a number of approaches to tackling health inequalities at various levels of influence and with a focus on practical actions to make a difference. 

Healthy Weight Coach 

The resource will help individuals to engage and support people living with overweight or obesity to make positive changes to their health and weight-related behaviours. The programme comprises the following 8 sessions, which each take between 20 to 30 minutes to complete: 
The role of a healthy weight coach 
The complexity of weight gain, obesity, and weight management 
Measuring and assessing a person’s weight 
The outcomes associated with overweight, obesity and weight management 
Healthy eating, drinking and physical activity 
Avoiding weight stigma and challenging biases 
Supporting behaviour change 
How to communicate effectively 

Eating Disorders Training for Health and Care Staff Programme 

This series of training programmes was developed in response to the 2017 PHSO investigation into avoidable deaths from eating disorders as outlined in recommendations from the report titled Ignoring the Alarms: How NHS Eating Disorder Services Are Failing Patients (PHSO, 2017). It is designed to ensure that healthcare staff are trained to understand, identify and respond appropriately when faced with a patient with a possible eating disorder. It is the result of collaboration between eating disorder charity Beat and NHS England. 
Dedicated to the memory of Averil Hart and everyone else who has died unnecessarily from an eating disorder, it is our hope that this will be a significant step to ensuring that avoidable deaths from eating disorders are consigned to the past. 

Practice Educator and Assessor Preparation (PEAP) course 

This course (on NHS England elearning for healthcare), prepares you to become a Practice Educator, Practice Assessor or a Practice Supervisor (dependant on your profession). It is aimed at a multi-professional audience and aligns to both the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) (NMC 2018) and the Health and Care Professions Council HCPC Standards of Education and Training (2017). 
NMC registrants should complete units 1-6 in order to meet the requirements to be a Practice Supervisor (NMC 2018). Units 7 & 8 should be completed in order to meet Practice Assessor requirements (NMC 2018). HCPC registrants should complete all 8 units in order to become a Practice Educator. The course consists of 8 modules each taking approximately 1 hour to complete. 

New Wound Care Education Modules for Health & Care Workforce 

This elearning programme was developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare in partnership with the National Wound Care Strategy Programme and NHS England. The programme aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to enable appropriate wound care to people in any health and care setting