Useful Resources Links 

NHIS IT Training 

A collection of useful resources and training materials to support staff using clinical and desktop systems such as SystmOne and the Microsoft Office suite (e.g. Excel, Word, Outlook). 

Compassionate and Inclusive NHS Cultures 

An online learning course, broken up into bite-sized components, providing an introduction to compassionate cultures and how to use the Culture and Leadership Programme approach and resources. 

Acronym Buster 

Acronyms can be confusing. Luckily, the NHS has created handy jargon busters to help remove the guess work! 

RESPECT - End of Life Planning Resource 

What Matters Most? - A RESPECT conversation note template document that was developed by Dr Julie Barker, GP in Newark. Visit the What Matters Conversation website for more resources that can help your thoughts and conversations. 

Digital Nurse Network 

The Digital Nurse Network has supported nurses working in general practice and other care settings to use and promote digital services. The network recognises nurses’ ability to influence patient behaviour – and so engages them in the digital transformation process and empowers them to drive use of digital services at a local level. 
An online community was set up providing webinars, Twitter and a workspace hosted by FutureNHS. Since the emergence of COVID-19, membership has more than doubled, and the network is now almost 1,100 nurses strong. 

Flu Vaccination Awareness Leaflet 

The Nottinghamshire County Council, in partnership with NATH, have created an easy read flu vaccination awareness leaflet. This is for people with a learning disability, or people working / caring for those with a learning disability.  
Flu can lead to complications that can be fatal for vulnerable groups. It is important that people understand vaccinations can prevent them from becoming unwell, and vaccinations also reduce the risk of the spread of infection, therefore protecting others. 

Flu Vaccine Myth Busting - Protect yourself, protect others – Get the flu vaccine! 

Healthcare worker supporting elderly lady
Flu is an acute viral infection which can spread rapidly in closed communities. Common complications of flu can be bronchitis and/or pneumonia which can be fatal in some vulnerable population groups. Flu and associated complications cause around 8,000 deaths on average a year in England – and in some recent years this figure has exceeded 26,000 deaths. The flu vaccine is recommended for all frontline health and social care workers in England and offers the best and safest protection against flu.  
The flu vaccination is FREE for frontline health and social care workers, and not only protects us but prevents the spread of the virus to family members, the people we care for and the community.  

HEE Covid-19 Resurge Guidance 

NHS England have produced guidance which contains general Covid-19 information for the period October 2020 onwards. It is applicable to all students and trainees. This document will be updated on a regular basis, in response to changes in Government advice and local restrictions.  

NHSEI GP Recruitment and Retention Schemes - Meeting Slides and Recording 

For those that were unable to attend, the national GP Primary Care workforce team were joined by local colleagues to share learning and support others in delivering GP recruitment and retention schemes. 
A recording of the session and a link to the slides can be found on the Future NHS GP Workforce Delivery Hub (You will be requested to sign up first). 

National Health and Care Video Library 

The Health and Care Videos' abridged version of the health and care video library contains over 500 videos to help you manage your patients remotely. 
Use the video library as a tool to help manage patient flows and patients at home during the peak coronavirus period 
Add a link to the video library from your main website and in other communication materials 
Use to support telephone triage and to provide information and guidance 
Support patients remotely by offering information in exchange for the loss of face-to-face appointments thereby reducing the demand on staff 
Patients will be better able to self-manage their conditions and less reliant on the care system 

Lower Limb - Recommendations for Clinical Care 

The Lower Limb Clinical Workstream is developing recommendations and information to support the prevention and care of leg and foot ulcers. Outputs from the Lower Limb Workstream: 
A draft minimum data set for Lower Limb Assessment 
In consultation with NHS England and NHS Improvement, a Lower Limb CQUIN for Community Nursing Services. Further information for organisations wishing to implement the CQUIN can be found through the NHS Futures NWCSP platform. To request access, please email 
In consultation with NHS England and NHS Improvement, recommendations about lower limb care are now included in the Framework for Enhanced Health in Care Homes 

Timebank for Health and Social Care Professionals 

Hexitime is a timebank. Timebanks are a virtual currency that observe the simple premise of reciprocity (e.g. give an hour and get one back). Once you have joined the timebank, you can access the improvement skills and expertise of the health and social care community without real money changing hands - so long as you are prepared to give back to the community too. 
Hexitime also gives you, and the organisation you work for, a free platform to exchange your ideas and skills for improvement – helping both your professional development and your improvement projects. You can pose your questions and challenges - gathering the ideas and insights of the Hexitime community - and turn the best ideas into projects. 

Talking General Practice Podcast 

Talking General Practice is a podcast ran by the GPonline team. They discuss the latest news and speak to GPs and others working in primary care about the key issues affecting general practice.Talking General Practice is out every Friday 

Fit Notes 

Below are some resources and training that are available to support appropriate primary care clinicians becoming skilled in completing fit notes. 
We are also able to put on an online training session if we have enough interest. Please email to be added to our waiting list. 

A Guide to Immunisation Training for Clinicians 

Support document on the required standards for immunisation training and immunisation annual updates 

GatewayC podcast Series ‘GPs Talk Cancer’ 

The Primary Care podcast to support earlier cancer diagnosis in primary care. Episodes released fortnightly. Hosted by Dr Rebecca Leon and Dr Sarah Taylor.