Allied Health Professions (AHP) Faculty
What is the AHP Faculty?
The Nottinghamshire Allied Health Professions (AHP) Faculty is a group of health, social care, education and training providers that formally work together across the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS). The AHP Faculty reports to the ICS AHP Cabinet.
Our aim is to facilitate system-wide working across the ICS wherever AHPs are to be found.
The AHP Faculty works collaboratively to ensure the pipeline of AHP professionals continues to thrive and grow. We do this by focusing on our AHP workforce through partnerships and projects.
We work to support the following important aspects of Allied Health Professionals’ career journeys:
Work experience
Development, coordination and expansion of clinical placements
Return to practice
Who are Allied Health Professionals?
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are a diverse group of 14 different registered clinical staff, providing diagnostic, technical and therapeutic patient care. They are at the forefront of services using their expertise around promoting recovery, enablement and positive risk taking, to add life to years, prevent relapse and reduce risks.
AHPs work to deliver effective, flexible and innovative services to enable people to live well in their communities.

We are:
Art Therapists
Diagnostic Radiographers
Drama Therapists
Music Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Prosthetist and Orthotists
Speech and Language Therapists
Therapeutic Radiographers
Visit NHS England and Improvement's website for more information about the 14 Allied Health Professions.
Our Resources
For more information about the work of the AHP Faculty, please contact: and
Our Partners
Our partners include:
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Nottingham CityCare
Sherwood Forest Healthcare Trust
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
City and County Councils
Primary Care Networks
GP practices
private, independent and voluntary organisations
Careers and training hubs
Our local universities who train AHPs
We work in partnership so that we can listen, learn and work strategically together to support our workforce of AHPs in Nottinghamshire.