Practice Nurse Newsletter - April 2022
Written by Anna Davis and Gemma Bird
Brief update from us
It seems to have been a particularly busy month, great to meet people on Coffee and Catch Up and Restorative Clinical Supervision sessions as well as on the Nursing Associate Forum.
We are really look forward to meeting more of you in the next coming months including the June Celebratory Networking Event. We have been told there will be pastries on arrival, lunch provided, and the venue looks lovely. We have lined up lots of great speakers and opportunities to mingle.
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Grow Notts Primary Care App
Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information.
Need help to do a database search for those assignments?
Sarah Thomas is a Primary Care Evidence Support Specialist. Sarah is offering either group or 1:1 sessions to go through how to do searches. Sarah recently helped us get started which we were hugely grateful for.
You can get in touch with Sarah at
Help needed from Sarah Mayfield (Screening and Immunisation Manager)
Sarah Mayfield and her team have helped so many of us over the years with our questions, now Sarah is asking for our help. She is looking for some volunteers to be interviewed on the topic of ‘Immunisation Education – Accessibility and Delivery’ as part of her master’s project. Interviews will be around June time.
If you are able to help, please contact Sarah on
Can you provide a day insight visit?
Great opportunity to showcase General Practice Nursing and to encourage nursing students to consider a career in this exciting role.
The Training Hub are collating a list of practices who would be willing to participate.
Restorative Clinical Supervision
Restorative Clinical Supervision is a process to support healthcare professionals reflect on practice within a safe environment while supporting them to build professional resilience.
If you are interested in receiving clinical supervision or would like further information on how to receive training to support colleagues with restorative clinical supervision please do get in touch.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire GPN Respiratory Network
Gemma is attempting to restart a GPN respiratory network. The first meeting is Monday 9 May at 12.30 and the agenda will follow soon.
Future Coffee and Catch-up dates
Tuesday 17 May at 12.00
Wednesday 22 June at 13.00
Tuesday 12 July at 12.00
NA Forum
Next forum we are going to go through some respiratory case studies within your role as a NA. HCAs are also welcome.
CARE Programme introductions
On 30 June we are holding a short webinar to introduce you to the free programme running in Sep-Nov time. I participated in the Programme in 2020 and it really was one of the highlights of my career.
Nursing Network Event
We are currently planning a Primary & Social Care Nursing Workforce Conference. This event will be celebrating and showcasing our amazing Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Nurses. This event will also be a great opportunity to network.This event is open to Primary Care, Social Care and Community Nurses. The conference takes place on the 16 June so save the date!
- Anna Davis and Gemma Bird -
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Practice Nurse Leads
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
Tagged as: *Nursing Team, Newsletters
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