Practice Nurse Newsletter - Spring Edition
Welcome to our Spring Edition of the Practice Nurse Newsletter
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Grow Notts Primary Care App
Nurture your personal and professional development through our GrowNottsPC App; your single point of access to CPD, opportunities and information.
Reflections from Anna and Gemma
Anna’s Reflection
This is my first full yearly cycle, in this role and it has been an amazing opportunity. I just wanted to reflect and share what I have been up to. In terms of recruitment, this is mostly Gemma’s area of expertise, but I’ve had the interesting experience of talking to school children in ‘I’m a Medic Get Me Out of Here’.
Retention is a broad remit, working with the Integrated Care System late career nurse and begging NHS England for pension webinar places, which seemed harder to obtain than a Glastonbury ticket. Last April was our first GPN Team newsletter we try to pass on opportunities you may be interested in although due to the monthly posting we also use Facebook. It’s been lovely to see networking on the closed group and an area it would be great to build upon.
We mentioned in a previous newsletter the meetings we attend in our 3 non clinical days. Some are workforce based and Primary Care is very aware of the future trajectory of GPNs, with 48% over the age of 50 years in post. This is the time to embrace new staff and roles in the team. A surgery recently had over 20 applications when they stated direct experience was not needed.
Other meetings are around population health management. A Placed Based flu vaccine group I attended said it was a real bonus having someone from general practice present. I’ve been involved in relaunching availability of diabetes impactful interventions, with slides to be used as a resource below.
One of my biggest highlights has been the work on early referrals to leg ulcer clinic in the South that came from a conversation as part of the CARE Programme (a programme we are running again in Sep)– it really showed what can happen when people come together across services and I’m now chairing a pathway group. It is interesting to find out what goes on behind the scenes and I get to challenge the status quo.
Reform covers what’s new ways of working, I started a forum for trainee and registered Nursing Associates as a safe space to share ideas and provide tailored learning. We have around 30 members and more and more Primary Care Networks are interested in the role. HCAs are welcome to join. I had an undergraduate nursing student recently who asked, “Is it always so full on?” Yes it is but it’s such a privilege to be an advocate for the GPN Team.
Gemma's Reflection
I have just made it to my 6 months within this post and what a 6 months it has been. This is not like anything I have done before and I have had to learn and adapt as I go. It has been a great opportunity to learn and develop both personally and professionally.
Although Anna and I share the same role, we have naturally taken lead in different areas. A lot of my time is spent supporting new to practice nurses and arranging university places and funding. I am also part of NATHs CPD team and try to organise training and educational events that are relevant for the nursing teams within general practice. I still work 2 days a week clinically as a practice nurse and enjoy being able to overlap the roles.
Recently, I have had the opportunity to speak nationally about the professional advocate roles within general practice, as well as meeting with key people such as Paul Vaughan, Sam Kelly and Monique Audifferen about the issues GPNs face and how nationally they can support the GPN strategy moving forward.
We have some exciting plans for the future and I do hope the work we do will be of benefit to the practice nursing teams across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Just a reminder to complete our GPN workforce survey. It will help us understand the Nursing workforce across the localities for future work. We will be sending out a £10 gift voucher at the end to all you have responded.
I run a monthly Coffee and Catch up via MS teams- everybody welcome.
Upcoming dates:
20 April - 11.00-12.00
17 May - 12.00-13.00
22 June - 13.00-14.00
Please just email me for a link:
I am also in the process of organising the start of a respiratory network again. I will send out further details as I have them. Please feel free to email me if you wish to be added to the emailing list for once dates/times/agendas are confirmed.
General Practice Nursing workforce overview for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire survey
We are running a survey to gain a better understanding of the demographics of the primary care nursing workforce within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and identify areas requiring support. As part of the training hub, we work closely with all system partners and are committed to improving and developing the primary care nursing workforce and welcome all ideas and suggestions. All information gained will remain completely anonymous. As a thank you for your hard work and commitment anyone completing the survey will receive a £10 gift voucher. The survey closes on 15 April at 23.45.
Diabetes Update
Below you will find a powerpoint presentation that will provide a diabetes update for nurses. This update will be based around impactful interventions.
Training session and dates
The Nottinhamshire Alliance Training Hub always has a suite of sessions, mostly virtual at present. Many directed at the nursing team, relating to the training needs analysis completed last year. Check the list out and sign up for the NATH newsletter for up and coming events.
Save the date
We are currently planning a Primary & Social Care Nursing Workforce Conference. This event will be celebrating and showcasing our amazing Nottingham and Nottinghmshire Nurses. This event will also be a great opprotunity to network. The conference takes place on the 16 June so save the date!
CARE Programme Launch
CARE is a learning and development programme that empowers general
practice nurses and other primary care professionals to play a key role in their
primary care network, to shape services based on population health needs
and to strengthen their leadership. Focusing on wellbeing and building and
harnessing resilience, the programme uses digital technology to connect
primary care professionals and to support joined-up, multi-professional
working. On the 30 June CARE is holding a programme launch event. More info and to book please read the flyer.
- Anna Davis and Gemma Bird -
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Practice Nurse Leads
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
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