A photo of Marcella Tarantini - Social Prescribing Link Worker Ambassador
Written by Marcella Tarantini, 15/12/2023 

What is your role outside the ARRS Ambassador position? 

I have been working as a Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) in Nottingham City Primary Care Network for over two years. 

Why did you want to take on the role of ARRS Ambassador? How will you be a good advocate for your role? 

I wanted to become a SPLW ambassador to be able to foster stronger relationships with other health professionals and the ARRS roles and work collaboratively to positively contribute to patients' care. As SPLW ambassador, I will promote the value of the Social Prescribing service sharing case studies and networking with key stakeholders and other ambassadors and sharing best practice to shape the service. 

What are the top three things you would like to achieve as part of the ARRS Ambassadors team? 

Raise awareness about the role. 
Build strong network and collaborations with key stakeholders and other ARRS roles. 
Share best practice. 

What are your initial aims and plans to connect your role peers across the whole of Nottingham and Notts to develop a community of practice? How can they get in touch to join this network? 

I will map and attempt to make contact with all SPLWs across Nottingham city and Nottinghamshire primary care network (PCN)s and work on a survey to shape a peer support group model based on colleagues’ preference to meet our needs and work together to clarify role and service specification, and how it can be better embedded within the PCNs. 
They can email me on marcella.tarantini@nhs.net 

How would you like to engage and collaborate with PCN/Practice management teams to support the ARRS workforce? 

I would like to present the value of the ARRS roles; provide evidence and case studies; offer training and education sessions; schedule meetings to address needs, goals and challenges of PCN and practices and explore how ARRS role can support. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

In my spare time I like climbing, strength bodyweight training and getting lost in nature taking pictures. 

Favourite holiday destination you would recommend? 

Italy – for its history and cultural heritage, scenic natural landscapes, food and wine, and warm Mediterranean weather. 

If you could be any animal for a day, what would you choose and why? 

I would be curious to be an insect for one day. To experience the world from a different perspective and using my sensory perception in a more adaptable way, to strengthen my resilience and familiarise with their challenges navigating the human life, to explore their species-related co-operation system, to appreciate even more the small things in life and to have a positive impact on the Ecosystem. 

What are you looking forward to most over the next six months of the project? 

Build welcoming community where ARRS roles and key stakeholders can work together implementing the services available within the primary care network and make a plan on how to best improve patient care. 

Learn more about Marcella, her workstreams and NATH... 

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