Practice Nurse Newsletter - August 2021
Written by Anna Davis
Brief update from me
I’m really hoping people have managed to have some time off over the summer months. It’s been such a challenging 18 months and now we are being asked to deliver a comprehensive service with flu/covid vaccination season looming. The GPN team members are definitely superheroes. Despite all this, it is important to keep up with continuous practice development for re-validation, so it’s worth checking back in with what is required. As always, if you wish to know more about what is happening or would like to get involved, please contact us at
In this edition of the newsletter, you will find information and news on:
Opportunity - Practice Nurse Lead for Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)
We are recruiting a nurse lead to the Nottingham City Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) team for 22.5 hours until end of March 2022. See attached job description and recruitment pack. Contact Nicola (The Programme Manager at Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub) at
I have loved the challenge of working in this role I have the freedom to go where I think the GPN voice is needed and build on opportunities for the team in a wide range of situations and yet be completely supported. We are looking for someone to work alongside me to oversee the City Boundary area.
Dapagliflozin Incident
Please be vigilant. Dapagliflozin is not only being used in diabetes management but also for heart failure management, as part of the Heart Failure Amber Category.
Lower Limb Wound Care
This item came up in the training needs analysis questionnaire as needing an update. Here is the National Lower Limb Wound Strategy that came out earlier this year. NATH are also hosting a lower limb wound management event on 14 September at 13.30-16.30.
Training Funding
NATH are pleased to announce that funding is available for training via the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Workforce Development (WFD) route. It is also worth putting in a query if unsure, as there are other options available such as money for apprenticeships.
Nursing Associate/Health Care Assistant meeting
On Tuesday 21 September at 13.00-14.00 on Microsoft Teams there will be a nursing associate and healthcare assistant meeting. This meeting is to discuss ideas for clinical support through the Nursing Associate Course. It’s aimed at those qualified, those training and those wanting to know more about what it’s like from people who can share their experiences. An invite will go out to those already on the Nursing Associate group but if anyone else is interested please email
The Multi-Professional Support Unit
The Multi Professional Support Unit was set up to offer support for those in additional reimbursement roles (ARRS) but is also available to all in primary care. They offer sessions such as introduction to consultation skills, appraisals, dealing with difficult consultations and supervision.
Preceptorship Packages
Preceptorship packages are available on the Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub website for different nursing roles in primary care. They are based around the 4 pillars of advanced practice. Gemma Bird is also supporting all those new to general practice and those practices wishing to know how to gain support and what support is out there.
ShinyMind Event
ShinyMind and NATH are hosting a free event for all staff working in primary care across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. It is for new and existing users of the ShinyMind app and those who want to learn more about the app and its benefits. The event takes place on 8 September at 14:00-15:00.
I know I’ve mentioned about this App before but it really is amazing and FREE. ‘Becoming a Mind Detective' is my favourite masterclass. You can go from having negative thoughts to positive ones in 5 minutes. Why don't you drop by and see if its for you?
Advanced Practice
Rubby is currently trying to find out what support primary care need in practice now and going forward. If you are interested in how you can enhance your role or believe you are working at an advanced level, please get in touch. Rubby is keen to talk to you can provide support and can direct towards updates and opportunities. Contact
- Anna -
ICS Practice Nurse Lead
Relevant Links
ShinyMind App - A free wellbeing and resilience app for all Primary and Community care workers in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS
Tagged as: *Nursing Team, Newsletters
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