AHP Online Learning Resources
Online Learning Resources
Check out the learning resources below to learn more about working as an Allied Health Professional (AHP).
Allied Health Professionals

The Allied Health Professions (AHPs) are the third largest clinical workforce in the health and care. In the main they are degree level professions and are professionally autonomous practitioners.
AHPs provide system-wide care to assess, treat, diagnose, and discharge patients across social care, housing, education, and independent and voluntary sectors. Through adopting a holistic approach to healthcare, AHPs can help manage patients’ care throughout the life course from birth to palliative care. Their focus is on prevention and improvement of health and wellbeing to maximise the potential for individuals to live full and active lives within their family circles, social networks, education, training, and the workplace.
Visit NHS England's elearning for healthcare's Resources supporting you to become an AHP and career development opportunities for qualified AHPs.
Find out more about each of the AHP roles
About the AHP roles:
Music Therapist, Dramatherapist or Art Therapist
Are you a creative type? If you are, becoming a Music Therapist, Dramatherapist or Art Therapist might be the career for you.
Careers in Art Therapy
Drama Therapy
Music Therapy
Occupational Therapists, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiographers
If you break an arm or go down with the flu people can see things are not quite right. But mental health – often that’s something that’s not so obvious. It can affect the way you feel and the way you behave. That’s where Occupational Therapists like Usman Ali come in – helping people live the best lives they can.
Technology that can see inside people’s bodies – sounds a bit sci-fi, but this is the domain of Radiographers who use some brilliant technology to work out what’s causing illness and also to treat people with cancer. Our reporter, Anne went behind the scenes to find out what Diagnostic Radiographers and Therapeutic Radiographers do.
Check out the videos below for insight from AHPs who work in these roles in Nottinghamshire.
Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Prosthetists and Orthotists
Watch this and you may see a profession that would allow you to fulfil your potential in your future career, like Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Prosthetists and Orthotists.
Check out the video below for insight from AHPs who work in this role in Nottinghamshire.
Speech and Language Therapists, Paramedics and Orthoptists
What are the qualities you need as an AHP? Do you think you’d be a good fit for any of these careers? Speech and Language Therapist, Paramedic and Orthoptist.
Check out the videos below for insight from AHPs who work in these roles in Nottinghamshire.
Operating Department Practitioner, Podiatrist, Dietitian
Rowell Falco is an Operating Department Practitioner – or ODP for short. He helps patients before, during and after their operation – an expert in what goes on in the operating theatre as well as being a friendly face. See him in action at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
There’s so much information out there about what food is and what isn’t good for us. Dietitians understand the science behind what we eat and use this to help people be as healthy as possible when they are ill and beyond. Follow Monika Siemicka on a typical day.
Feet are important, as a Podiatrist you’ll treat and care for people whose feet and legs have been affected by injury or illness. Could you do this vital job?
Check out the video below for insight from AHPs who work in this role in Nottinghamshire.
NHS Careers YouTube Channel
Check out the NHS careers YouTube channel for more insight into each of these roles.
AHP Virtual Reality

Use virtual reality to experience a day in the life of an allied health professional working in the NHS. You can look around the environment, watch short films embedded within it or check out the additional resources available.
NHS Learning Packages
The learning resources below have been developed by the University of Leeds and Health Education England for anyone considering a career in health. They cover different topics with interactive tasks to help you learn in depth.
They have been developed for you to complete in your own time or you could form a group to complete together. Learning together brings added benefits as you can explore things together and test out what you have learnt.

The 6 Cs
The 6 Cs
Learn about:
The compassionate care approach in the NHS
The structure of the NHS
A case study exploring the 6 Cs - care, competence, communication, courage, commitment, and compassion.

NHS Structure
Learn about:
The forming principles and history of the NHS
The concept of free access to healthcare
Funding and the delivery of secondary healthcare in the UK

Healthcare Teams – Primary
Learn about:
What is primary care in the UK?
The roles and functions of a primary healthcare team

Healthcare Teams – Secondary
Learn about:
The difference between primary and secondary care in the UK
What happens in hospitals and the quality improvement involved
Different career routes in the NHS

Good medical practice and regulated professions
Learn about:
The principles of Good Medical practice
Key competencies of medical professionals
The role and function of health and care regulators
A case study on patient-centred care.

Values and attributes
Learn about:
The NHS values
Seven principles that guide the NHS
Values and attributes that are important for healthcare professionals

Capacity and consent
Learn about:
Shared decision making in clinical treatment
Capacity and consent
Informed decisions

Learn about:
Different approaches to reflection and self-evaluation
The value of reflective notes and diaries
The role of reflection in professional healthcare practice