Written by Louise Woodward, 03/04/2023 
On Thursday 9 March 2023, Rashbal, Errum and Laurence attended the Training Hubs Conference 2023 down in London. This national conference was hosted by Health Education England to bring together all the Leads across the 42 Training Hubs (THs). 
As part of this, all THs were invited to submit a poster detailing any outstanding practice that has been conducted in their ICS area that aligns to the vision, aims and objectives outlined in the Training Hubs national specification. 

The results are in! 

We are very excited to announce that we achieved the Excellence Award for our poster! We were 1 of 2 winners alongside Frimley Training Hub. Both us and Frimley were also invited to present on our poster to all TH delegates across the country.  
The Excellence Awards were the top two ranked posters out of 68. These were judged around 6 themes: 
Alignment to Training Hubs Specification 
System collaboration 
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) 
Poster design 
Nathan congratulates all the team! 
"I'm so proud of the team for the work we put into our poster submission that enabled us to win an Excellence Award." 

The winning poster 


Find out more about the projects mentioned on the poster: 

What did the judges have to say about our winning poster? 

For their work on all the core functions of a Training Hub. They have managed to take some big leaps in areas such as EDI taking a system approach to tackle racism, provide support and empower the workforce through addressing inequalities and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. 

Racism and Discrimination Survey Report 2022 

You can read the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Primary Care Racial Equity and Diversity Working Group Racism and Discrimination Survey Report 2022 on our website. We collaborated with the RED Group to finalise our EDI topics included in our 2023 Primary Care Training Needs Analysis Survey (which closed 26 March). We’re now in the process of analysing the feedback. This will include creating our action plan, working alongside ICS partners, to develop a programme of EDI training events to address inequalities highlighted in the report. 

How did our attendees find the experience? 

Laurence, Errum and Rashbal at the Conference 

What our Programme Manager said... 

I'm so proud of the team for the work we put into our poster submission that enabled us to win an Excellence Award. We were one of two achieving the Excellence Award, out of 68 submissions from the 42 Training Hubs across England. The event itself showcased some amazing work taking place in Training Hubs which has given us so many ideas we've brought back to Nottingham and Notts. 
Laurence Quirk 

What our Clinical Lead said... 

Great day for NATH to have all the excellent work acknowledged at a National level, well done team! 
Rashbal Ghattaora 

What our Educator Lead said... 

This was the first big face to face event I have attended post covid and it was fantastic. We had a great time meeting other training hub leads, the HEE national team and the speakers. We had a real opportunity to network with other training hubs and discuss the innovative, thinking outside the box, brilliant work from across the country. We were able to explore the innovative ways in which barriers in certain workstreams have been overcome in different regions. It was a real honour to receive the award on behalf of NATH, especially after reading the incredible poster submissions from other training hubs highlighting the amazing work they're doing. 
Errum Mumtaz 

Upcoming award ceremonies 

We have recently created a new Awards Ceremonies page on our website dedicated to encouraging you to submit nominations and celebrate all the fantastic work happening across health and social care. Have a browse and see what you could nominate yourself, your team and / or your organisation for! 
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